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In the normal disarmed state, only the green STATUS LED will be on and the display will read |SYSTEM READY|. To silence an alarm, enter any User Code, then press the U or D button. Any valid User Code may be used to arm or disarm; an Arm-Only Code may only be used to arm.


To arm, enter a valid User Code, then press the D button. (For all "Classic GEM-RP keypads)  To arm, enter a valid User Code, then press the Q button. (For all "K Series" keypads)

(If a wrong code is entered, the keypad will display ìINVALID ENTRY / TRY AGAINî). The green STATUS LED will go off, the red ARMED LED will go on, and the display will read ìPLEASE EXIT IN / XXX SECONDSî (ìXXXî representing the programmed exit-delay time, in seconds). The exit delay will immediately start counting down toward ì000î, in 10-second decrements, indicating the available time remaining to exit through an exit/entry door. Note: If a System Trouble is displayed, there should be an attempt to correct the system trouble (for example by calling an alarm maintenance or an alarm repairman). If this cannot be done, then press the C button to allow 5 minutes to access the keypad without the system trouble display. Immediate attention should be provided, when system troubles are encountered.


When the exit time has elapsed, the display will read ìSYSTEM ARMEDî. This indicates that upon entering the premises through an exit/entry door, there will be an entry delay to allow time to disarm the panel. The GEM-RP1CAe2 or GEM- K1CA display will read ìDISARM NOW / XXX SECONDSî (ìXXXî representing the programmed entry-delay time, in seconds). The sounder will come on and the entry delay will immediately start counting down toward ì000î in intervals of 10 seconds, indicating the available time remaining to disarm the panel. (Note: The sounder will "pulse" with the GEM-P9600/3200 version 30 and above, and with the GEM-P1632/816 version 10 and above. The sounder will sound a "steady" tone with the GEM-P9600/3200 version 20 and lower, and with the GEM-P1632/816 version 9A and lower). The sounder will emit a pulsing warning tone during the final 10 seconds.

To disarm the panel, enter a valid User Code, then press the U or D button.

      Arming in AWAY MODE

AWAY MODE provides for full protection of the perimeter and interior zones. Exit/Entry doors are provided with Exit/ Entry delays. A "Classic" (non "K Series") keypad will display ìSYSTEM ARMEDî, while a "K Series" keypad will display ìARMED AWAY.î The RED LED will remain ON. With "K Series" keypads such as the GEM-K1CA and the GEM- K2AS, press Q to begin the exit delay process (the exit delay will immediately start counting down toward ì000î, in

10-second decrements, indicating the available time remaining to exit through an exit/entry door).

      Arming in STAY MODE

STAY MODE provides partial protection by allowing free movement within the premises, while still protecting the perimeter zones. Exit/Entry doors are provided with Exit/Entry delays. A "Classic" series keypad will display ìSYSTEM ARMEDî with a Bypass Icon and a RED LED that remains ON, while a GREEN LED blinks. With "K Series" keypads such as the GEM-K1CA and the GEM-K2AS, pressing the STAY button bypasses all interior zones simultaneously, and arms the panel in "STAY MODE". The keypad will display "ARMED STAY". If the STAY button is pressed when the panel is already armed in STAY MODE, the panel will enter "Instant Mode" and eliminate the entry time delay period.


X GEM-P816 Installation Instructions


      Instant Arming

INSTANT ARMING allows exit/entry zones to immediately go into alarm when violated, with no Exit/Entry time delay. This feature can be used to provide instant protection while you or someone else is on the premises. With the "Classic" keypads,

to arm "Stay" and obtain Instant Arming, press E and F, then enter your user code and press D. With the "K Se- ries" keypads, enter your user code and press P. Then press and hold P until keypad beeps Instant Arming will be

automatically reset on disarming.

       Auto Arming (Not for UL Installations)

AUTO ARM allows the User to automatically arm the system at a specified time of the day and on specific days of the week. Schedule a specific closing time on any/all day(s) of the week. After a specific Fail-to-Close Window Start Time, if the user has not Armed the system during the Window Length, and the system has been instructed to ìFail-to-Closeí and ëAuto Arm if not closed at end of Windowî then the system will arm, providing a 15 minute warning. CAUTION: If Automatic Interior By- pass is selected, panel will Auto Arm in STAY Mode.

Delaying an Auto Arm (Not for UL Installations)

During the 15 minute pulsating sounder warning of an Auto Arm, a User can press the R or A button, until ìTO DELAY AUTO ARM / PRESS 1-4 / Nî is displayed. Enter the number of hours to delay arming, followed by the U or D but-

ton. If ìDELAY AUTO ARM Y/Nî is displayed, press the ìNEXT/YESî button. The sounder can be silenced by pressing the C button during the 15 minute interval, but will come back on in the last 1 minute. This feature may be canceled by arming and

disarming the keypad.

        EZ Arm (Easy Arm)

EASY ARM provides one button arming for non-security critical premises. Select Easy Arming for each Keypad, with optional reporting of Easy Arm Closings as User 35. Disarming still requires a valid user code.

!To arm, press the U button for "Classic" keypads;
!To arm, press and hold P or Q for 3 seconds for "K Series" keypads.

      Keyswitch Arming

KEYSWITCH ARMING allows a zone input to be used to arm/disarm. The area will arm/disarm when the zone is momentarily shorted through a Momentary Switch. An end-of-line resistor must be used. Select Keyswitch Arm to optionally report as User 36.

Maintained-Key Input Arming

KEYSWITCH ARMING with MAINTAINED-KEY INPUT ARMING is similar to Keyswitch arming, except the zone input must remain shorted to be armed and remain open to be disarmed.

Remote Arming (Not for UL Installations)

REMOTE ARMING allows computer software control of arming/disarming of the system for non-security critical installations. Select Remote Arm to optionally report as User 34.

      Priority Arming

A 2-second tone and ìCANíT ARM SYSTEM/ZONE FAULTEDî displayed when attempting to arm indicates a priority condition; that is, a problem exists on at least one zone that has been designated as a Priority Zone, or a system trouble exists. The trouble(s) must be corrected before the panel can be armed. The display will read ìZONE FAULTEDî, then automatically scroll through all unsecured zones. If a system trouble is indicated, it will display the system trouble.


Selective Bypass (Bypassing Specific Zones)
A Selective Bypass will bypass a specific zone that has Selective Bypass enabled, by pressing the B button

followed by the zone number. The zone will be unbypassed the next time the system is disarmed. 

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