Arming (System ON)
Before arming the system close all protected zones (unless programmed as Auto-Bypass Reentry Zones). Enter a 4-digit Arm/Disarm code, followed by the (on/off) key, the keypad will provide a feedback beep for each key pressed. If a valid Arm/Disarm code is entered, the keypad will beep 3 times. If an incorrect Arm/ Disarm code is entered, the keypad will sound a 1-second tone indicating an incorrect entry.
Arming without Entry Delay (Instant Mode)
Enter the [instant] key to eliminate the entry delay. The ARMED LED will flash rapidly to indicate the panel is in Instant Mode. If an Exit/Entry Zone is tripped while the panel is in Instant Mode the panel will go into alarm immediately.
Arming/Disarming with a Keyfob
The system can be armed by pressing the [ON] key, and disarmed by pressing the [OFF] key on the Keyfob. Zones programmed as Exit/Entry Follower Zones can be bypassed when the [A1] or [A2] keys on the Keyfob have been programmed for Interior. Zones programmed as Home/Away with Delay Zones can be armed regardless of the state of the Exit/ Entry Zones when the [A1] or [A2] keys on the Keyfob have been programmed for Full Set. To arm the system with all zones protected press the [ON] key. Press and hold the [A1] or [A2] key for 1.5s to fully set the system (The LED on the Keyfob indicate the Keyfob has transmitted the signal). Program Keyfob/ Keyswitch Chirp for an audible indication of system arming and disarming.
Arming/Disarming with a Keyswitch
The system can be armed/disarmed by using a momentary Keyswitch wired to Zone 6. Program Keyfob/Keyswitch Chirp for an audible indication of system arming and disarming. (NOTE: Faulted Keyswitch or silent 24 hour zone normally do not display at the keypad. If a silent 24 hour zone or Keyswitch is faulted at the time of arming the faulted zone will display only while the priority sound is ON. )
Arming Instant with a Keyfob
The panel can be ARMED INSTANT when the [A1] or [A2] keys on the Keyfob have been programmed for Instant. To arm the system with Instant protection press the [ON] key, then press and hold the [A1] or [A2] key for 1.5s to arm the panel with INSTANT protection.
Disarming (System OFF)
After entering the premises through an Exit/Entry Zone, the keypad will sound the Entry Delay Tone. Enter a valid Arm/Disarm code, then press [ON/OFF] . If a valid Arm/Disarm code is entered, the keypad will beep 6 times, indicating the panel has been disarmed. The red Armed LED will go out. If an incorrect Arm/Disarm Code is entered, the keypad will sound a 1-second tone, indicating incorrect entry. Press the [RESET] key and re-enter the code.
Disarming after an Alarm (Alarm Memory)
The armed LED and the zone(s) that caused the alarm will be be flashing. Disarm the panel. The system is currently not detecting zone faults or displaying system trouble. The zone(s) that caused the alarm will continue to flash. The STATUS and SYSTEM TRBL LEDs are out
Full Setting the System with Automatic Bypassing - Home/Away with Delay Zones
Group Bypass
The system is displaying Alarm Memory. Press the [RESET] key to clear Alarm Memory.